Thursday, September 7, 2023

Entering Phase Three!

 Hello Everyone!

We are now entering Phase Three of the season where we begin to work toward our Competitive Season!  Our first SHOW DAY is in two weeks on September 23!  It is the Downingtown East show but it is held at Downingtown WEST where the stadium is located.

There is A LOT that is going to be happening in the next few weeks - uniforms, flags, shoes, theme shirts, and more!  Please make sure to keep up with the Newsletters and the information that is being sent out to everyone.

Also - a quick shout-out to all the PARENTS who are absolutely rockin it in so many ways!  Concessions, uniform fittings, spirit wear, pot luck, shirts, accounting, pickups and dropoffs, etc. Thank you all SO MUCH for all you do!