Tuesday, September 27, 2022

What a Day!

 Hello Everyone!

WOW - What a day Saturday was!  Whew!!

It started out with White Dinkles and ended with a 1st place finish, best percussion and best color guard in Independence A Class!  While there was no plaque for it, we were also first in Overall Effect!  I hope everyone took the time to "smell the roses" as they say, because tonight we get right back to work on our production.  We need to keep pushing to finish and refine this show.  This is not the time to "take it easy."  Let's see how great we can be!

Thank you to all the parents that helped on Saturday!  It was quite the day with both Football and a Show Day and there were many hands that helped make the day a success.  Thank you all so much!

Senior Recognition and Band Night are this Friday.  Jessica V sent out info to all the parents with detail on the process and I linked them in this week's newsletter as well.